The FinTech Association of Hong Kong (FTAHK) is an independent, not-for-profit, membership-based organization that is the voice of the FinTech community in Hong Kong. Members range from promising startups and passionate individuals to global financial institutions and service providers.
Why Does It Exist?
There is a need for an independent organization that can speak on behalf of the broader FinTech community. Our goal is to work together to reinforce Hong Kong’s position and role in the global FinTech ecosystem.
What Do They Do?
All the ingredients exist in Hong Kong for a world leading FinTech industry. It already houses a broad and diverse FinTech community and exports FinTech developments globally. With the strengths of all the different participants harnessed by FTAHK, the industry can create a catalyst for sustained future development.
FTAHK supports the development of Hong Kong as a leading FinTech center by:
creating a unified voice for the Hong Kong FinTech ecosystem
encouraging the development of proportionate and effective regulation
attracting greater investment and talent into Hong Kong FinTech
bringing together the diverse parts of the community
engaging in community collaboration and co-creation to promote innovation in financial services
supporting the creation of better financial experiences through the development of robust, reliable technology
learning from existing leaders and nurturing the next generation of talent
championing an open, inclusive, and diverse FinTech community
committing to support and nurture the next generation of FinTech talent in Hong Kong.