Digital HR

Discover potential and develop people

Corina Neagu - Managing Director at DARE (Development Advice & Resources)

Can you tell me a bit about your background and your current role?

I have graduated Law, I am CIPD certified in HR, I own several certifications in HR, assessment tools, management and leadership. I am also a professor at the Business Academy in Bucharest, a mentor for several communities and a coach.

What is the role of HR?

In my opinion the role of HR has been evolving since March 2020 and it is definitely transformational. HR supports the management in discovering the value and the potential in the employees, creates specific development programs, assists in creating and implementing strategies, in internal and external communication, in employer branding, employee relations, organizational design, restructuring and reorganizing, separation. HR is supposed to act as an integrator and as an advocate for the business, as a strategist and as a business partner.

As an HR person, how will you drive results?

Always true people. You cannot do business and have results without people. That is why discovering their values, motivations, talents, potential becomes crucial in order to have engaged and motivated people to deliver results and to achieve the business objectives.

What is the easiest way to discover an employee’s potential?

Through an assertive communication – listening more, observing, understanding, empathizing with the employees, but also through rewarding their successes and recognizing their achievements. All people have potential, but sometimes they are not aware about it, and our role, as HR, is to support them in discovering their potential and working with it in order to achieve great results.

What lies behind the magic of employee development?

Engaged employees go beyond a transactional exchange and are willing to give discretionary effort. They bring their hearts, hands, and minds into their jobs. The term “discretionary” implies that there is additional effort available on the part of the employee that he or she can CHOOSE to apply. However, the choice to apply this effort is something not stated in the satisfaction contract; it’s up to the employee.

What trends will shape Human Resource departments over the next five years?

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that companies that don’t transform will get left behind by those that do. This applies to developing a digital transformation strategy that will stick but, more importantly, extends beyond technology to tackle people-centric issues.

Trends We’ll Look At in HR according to Gartner survey conducted in 2020:

  • Virtual work is here to stay;
  • Companies double down on digital;
  • Teams play an essential role;
  • HR design is a strategic focus;
  • Employee experience is redefined;
  • HR delivers value through an outside/in approach;
  • Mental health gets the attention it deserves;
  • Data becomes the new currency;
  • Workers are equipped with the skills and tools they need to navigate uncertainty;
  • HR offers guidance to drive success;
  • Companies show their true colors.
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