IoT Consultant at CANCOM, Austria
Elpida has experience as an IoT consultant, software engineer, and data scientist. Her math background indicates her passion to solve problems using different technologies and help clients extract value from their data. She also loves to help others entering the digital world and collaborate in open source projects.
Elpida has written two books that you can find on Amazon:
1. “BECOME A JUNIOR PYTHON DEVELOPER IN A FEW DAYS: Algorithms & Data Structures, The GIST of Computer Science, Training for Interviews & Coding Exams”
2. “Training Interview: answer, behave and negotiate like a pro”
And she is the creator of the technology YouTube channel ElpiTelly, where Elpida talks about data science and technology.
Session: IoT Innovations,Solutions and Technology; Big Data and IoT; Barriers and challenges to develop successful IoT projects; The digital transformation opportunity in the industrial IoT;
Harnessing the power of Big Data with IoT
The Internet led us to the Big Data era! Having all this information, machine learning algorithms that were explored years ago, gained value and opened a door in patterns discovery and predictive modelling. But knowledge comes with a price. Now, information overload is our biggest challenge, so we have to become more innovative. IoT is the savvy way to create a network of different technologies and types of data and make the most out of it.
Learning Outcomes:
- In this session, participants will understand the need and the challenge of processing, analysing and using Big Data in decision making.
- In this session, participants will learn about IoT and related IT challenges.
- In this session, participants will learn about IoT and related business challenges.
- In this session, participants will see two test cases to gain a better image of how business can be benefitted by IoT.
Additional information and Smart Industry & Digital Factory Technology Conference programme – here