Co-director of Innova Marketing Digital – University Student of social communication at Innova – Marketing Digital, Argentina
Hello, I´m director of a digital marketing agency with two partners. We are studying at the University of Córdoba, Argentina and we are taking our last subjects and thesis process. In 2018 we create Innova Marketing Digital, an entrepreneurship that in two years has become an agency. We manage the social networks of companies and businesses of all the countries. Despite continuing to be a small agency within the field and compared to the competition, we continue to strive and educate ourselves through courses, workshops, seminars on social media. We can offer a look at social networks from Latin America, especially from Argentina, a third world country that is gradually inserting itself into the digital world.
Session: How social networks develop in Latin America?
Digital Marketing from a Latin American perspective.
The times of the pandemic have affected all countries in different ways, but above all the third world countries that due to this unusual situation were forced to insert themselves into the digital world, social networks and digital marketing. We tell you how this process was from our experience as a Digital Marketing Agency and how the general population became more interested in transferring their businesses from the physical to the digital world.
Learning outcomes:
- To know the functions of social networks
- How social networks increased their use in Argentina
- The pre-pandemic ignorance of digital marketing
Additional information and Video & Social Media Marketing International Conferences programme – here