Digital HRM ConferenceWorld Digital Weeks

Ketaki Mistry

Speaker at Digital HRM Conference. The Future of HR & Talent Management

Founder and Strategic Designer of The Image Consulting Studio, India

Ms. Ketaki Mistry An Internationally Certified Image Consultant, USA, SQA Certified Soft Skill Trainer, NABET Certified Train the Trainer, and Certified Psychology Counsellor. Possesses Master’s degrees in – M.Phil. – HR, and MBA – HR and MCM – Computer.

She started her professional journey as an entrepreneur at the age of 24 as a Graphic Designer/ Animator and Project Owner for delivering a project to a UK based Company. This project involved designing the graphics, hiring people, work assignment, and successful delivery of the project within the given time frame. She had bagged this project based on her interpersonal and networking skills. Post this project, she realized her core strength in people management which persuaded her to take up her career in Human Resources. Armed with a Master’s degree in Human Resources. She started her journey in the corporate world working for IT multinationals, Shipping companies, etc. Through these 10 years of experience in the HR domain, she realized that for an employee physical, mental & emotional health are the only 3 key factors that decide the success or failure of his/her career.

This triggered her entrepreneurial spirit and she decided to become an Image Consultant, Behavioural Skill Coach & Psychology Counsellor to guide individuals in their journey of transformation.

She started her own company “The Image Consulting Studio” as Founder and Strategic designer offering services to C-Level Corporates, Working Professionals, Students, Self Employed Professionals, Home Makers, and Individuals basis which they have been able to carve their leadership skills, confidence, personal brand, perception, and much more.

She is actively involved in reaching out to underprivileged college students by sharing her knowledge and experience, thereby providing them a career, personal counseling, and guidance, to develop their decision-making capacity which shall lead to respective financial independence.

COVID-19 presented itself with a situation in which the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of an individual became the utmost priority which was followed by the digital transformation from physical to virtual reality which was adapted by Ketaki graciously welcoming the new normal.

At present, Ketaki is delivering sessions, workshops through digital platforms successfully.

Session: Proposal for sharing my 15 years of experience from HR professional to an Entrepreneur, highlighting the various challenges faced basis which, tools suggested as a new normal from digital transformation perceptive.

Need for Digital Transformation – Journey from Human Resource Professional to Entrepreneur!

During my stint as HR function in various companies, onboarding was a major challenge in terms of hiring the right candidate from a cost perspective e.g.: Background Verification. Post onboarding there were various cases in which the Background Verification was negative leading to cost implications. Then, I was looking at an intuitive tool that would integrate Background Verification, Social Platform Integration along with Behaviour Factors leading to successful hiring for a position. In my personal view, we have no tool which has such kind of integration. Right from Interview, Selection till Onboarding process the whole process shall be with the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to record the respective information by picking up the right words and recording and checking the respective information. So the interviewer is free from the process of filling in the forms manually and focuses more on the candidate’s body language and other important aspects required for successful selection.

Virtual Presenter is a need of time, so the Presenter / HR person can focus on a niche rather than focusing on the mandatory on paper documentation, encountered during the employee lifecycle process from HR perspective! e.g.: Interviews

In my current role as an entrepreneur, I am conducting various sessions through online platforms due to COVID-19. I find that we do not have any virtual assistant inbuilt in the tools which will pull in the real-time attendance, align a chat box which will answer desirable questions while I concentrate on the sessions. Also, the Chat interaction should be viewed during the sessions ensuring no missing out on the important questions, which the chat box cannot answer. Additionally, polling questions should be intelligently constructed as per the speaker’s ppt or material rather than the speaker preparing the polling question. Secondly, random aesthetic pictures should be clicked by the platform ensuring evidence for the presenter which should be integrated with professional platforms with minimal presenter interference.

Learning outcomes:

  • Be able to Recognize the digital challenges faced as a HR as well as an Entrepreneur.
  • Be able to identify technological adaptation points mentioned in the session.
  • Be able to integrate the tools suggested for transformation in their respective domains.
  • Be able to apply the experience shared in their respective journey of transformation from Professional to Entrepreneur.

Additional information and Digital HRM Conference programme – here

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