Smart Cities & Buildings

Can the smart city concept work in the Balkans?

Interview with Omer Yildiz

Please can you give us a little background about yourself and your current role?

I am graduated from Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul and worked for telecommunication sector for about 7 years with Turkcell, Vodafone and Turk Telekom companies.

I am working for Smart City technologies more than five years in Bursa city.

I graduated from Bursa Uludag University with a MSc thesis including Smart City and Smart Healthcare with a name: “A remote patient healthcare system design and implementation for smart healthcare applicatons”.

I am PhD candidate and research area includes IoT, Smart Healthcare and Smart City.

I am currently working for Bursa Metropolitan Municipality as a Smart City Expert.

From your experience, what are the main challenges in the transition to a ‘smarter’ city?

There are 3 main challenges in Smart City transition:

  • Budget
  • Technical expertise
  • Legacy

Can the smart city concept work in the Balkans?

Due to 2nd question, if Balkan countries solve the challenges, it will work.

Also, Balkan country and city infrastructures need rework, it is a chance to establish Smart Cities in Balkan cities during rework time of city infrastructures.

Could you tell us something about 5G? How will 5G affect our daily lives? What do we expect most?

5G will be the last enhancement for mobile communication technologies during 2020s. By 3G, data transmission evoluted and get bigger. 4G is serving huge data rates recently.

By 5G, data rates will be higher than now but also internet of things concept will be served. From cars to traffic light, including electric lambs, buses, buildings etc will be joining internet era.

This huge amount of things will create a big data in daily life. Cities, companies, universities will face data and have to use them to analyse the all life.

5G will change our lives with a sharp maneuver.



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