World Digital WeeksInternational Conference on Crypto Finance & Blockchain Technologies

Pretty Kubyane

Speaker at International Conference on Crypto Finance & Blockchain Technologies

Co-Founder & COO,South Africa

My management consulting focus across nearly a decade ushered me into an industry disruption through the co-founding of Coronet Blockchain – an emerging technology solution geared to shift how hair exchanges hands across Africa’s ZAR 100 billion per year sector. A responsibility that sees me reshaping the future of this sector.

Session:Blockchain application to solve real painpoints across African Economies

The top 3 Blockchain solutions most likely to succeed in 2021 and across this decade (2020-2030) are those applications that solve real African problems which are defined by:
Restorative: African legacy issues (problems), c
Reactive: solve current problems (most pressing points and pain points made worse by COVID) and
Proactive: responses to problems Africa is about to have (like a cyclone building up on the horizon in the post Covid world that is unfolding).

The solutions in this space must be restorative, reactive and proactive in their approach, through a full immersion inside knowing into what keeps Africans awake.

Learning outcomes:

  • Know how to configure our solution around key pain points: given that Blockchain is a solution looking for a problem.
  • Pay careful attention to the economies of scale: if what your solution is solving is a problem not faced by many people, you will hit growth brickwalls.
  • Put great efforts into scenario planning and design thinking probabilities: then select the simplest, cost effective appproach to solve a complex problem, at scale.
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