Location: Plovdiv International Fair
When: September 21 – 26, 2020
Concept: В2В – focus on concrete actions and results ,,Actions and Results‘‘
Presentation and demonstration of innovative digital technologies for business. Opportunities to create contacts, get acquainted with useful digital business technologies, cooperate and outsource activities. Introducing new ideas, technologies and solutions. Financial, logical and structural solutions. Contacts with heads of state and municipal institutions. Information on priorities for the development of the European economy. Creating opportunities for closer integration of business into education and business education.
Format: Two Parallel Zones – European Digital Week and DiTech Expo 2020
DiTech Expo 2020 includes:
National Exhibition – national exposition that demonstrate the creation and extent of the practical deployment and use of digital technologies abroad.
Brand Exhibition – corporate expositions demonstrating innovative developments and technologies with practical focus.
Digital Show – special demonstration zones that will present finished digital products.
DiTech Hackatons – technology competition for the development of projects related to digital technologies.
DiTech Awards – awards, which, after evaluation by a specialized jury, will be awarded to the best works divided into several categories.
DiTech Virtual Expo – an online resource through which companies, organizations and startups can participate online.
European Digital Week includes:
Main program:
Main Conferences – twenty four major specialized conferences – annexed program.
Accompanying program:
Extra Conferences – additional conferences organized by companies, associations, unions and institutions.
Night Summit – a meeting place in an informal setting where, in addition to knowledge, interesting and useful contacts can be made.
Roundtables – roundtable discussions on current topics in various fields.
Workshop – practical workshops where experienced professionals show the nature and practical nuances of working in technology.
Debate Stage – clearly structured and specially organized public exchange of thoughts and ideas between specialists on current topics
Forum – A kind of interest club, where people with different points of view, discuss a topic, share their ideas and experiences, conduct discussions, express their opinions.
Webinars – Webinars to be held online in real time.
Keynote Speech – reports on topics that are not included in the major conferences lasting no longer than one hour.
Speed Mentoring – A separate area where specialists in different areas of business will give practical advice on previously announced topics.
Networking – Special meetings in an appropriate atmosphere, with a preliminary invitation, to create specific business contacts.
DiTech Media
Specialized information resource, including news, video and online magazines, for up-to-date information on the event, topics, speakers, exhibitors, partners and sponsors.
Discover Plovdiv
Specialized information resource that includes information about Plovdiv – history, culture, education, business climate, entertainment, logistics and more.