Can you tell me a bit about your background and your current role?
I am a co-founder of nadimo.com, podcast host to the best ecommerce podcast, eCommerce Allstars. I have been a thought leader and futurist for some of the largest tech firms in the world, being referred to by IBM as “One of the Industry’s brightest minds”.
I am a ecommerce consultant, coach and mentor that also leads a team of internationally elite ecommerce developers focused on simply driving success for our clients.
There’s clearly some difference between how we shopped before to how we shop now. How have times and the industry have changed?
Other than the obvious items being various mobile devices etc, the most significant change is the expectations of customers. Site speeds need to be at an optimal high, while also providing the required and expected features people have come to expect. That said, people are also expecting a much quicker checkout, friction free so to speak, and customization is now becoming something that is setting sites apart from each other. These types of things cannot be handled from the aspect of implementing a templated design any longer. Also the need for omni-channel fluidity is also at the forefront, the ability to buy online and pickup or return in store has never been in such demand. Those who can capture this as an opportunity to upsell and cross-sell will reap the rewards of a seamless online and offline experience.
Which of the current ecommerce trends do you consider to be the most important?
I spoke recently about 5 common trends that can set people apart, and speak of these often on the podcast as well as highlight these at nadimo.com.
They are:
A. Open source vs Hosted eCommerce Platforms – With the rise of the publicly traded Shopify, there has been a huge shift to this platform because of its price and its ease of use. The issue is that this will not be the platform in most cases that will drive success over the long term and will not allow sites to take advantage of the other areas needed to be a true success. Don’t get me wrong, the platform works and can be a great starting point, but as with all SaaS based approaches there are limitations.
B. The Zuckerberg Effect – There has been a huge shift to ecommerce, and in some cases this has been enabled by sources like shopify. This is great for the industry, however, this has started a phenomena whereby there are a significant number of ecommerce founders without a technical background. Ecommerce at its source is a tech company, unless of course its an extension to an already existing retail presence, but either way divisional or not, this part of the business is tech based. This does not mean it needs someone of a tech savvy background as a founder, president or CEO, but they certainly need to have one available to them to navigate the landscape and optimize their operations.
C. The Checkout Headache – Never before has a one click checkout been more in demand. Places like Amazon have owned this space, until recent technologies have popped up on the scenes. Now no matter your size of operation, you too can have an expedited, friction free checkout that will make checking out even easier than standing in line at walmart or using the express checkout. This is a must, and if done right can and will set yourself ahead of the pack, and if done incorrectly, will leave your competitors pickup up those lost sales and cart abandonments. Don’t forget they have the ability to target with great detail just like you! Just the other day I clicked a FB ad to purchase and while I was in the process my wife was getting innondated with ads for the competition, I had not even placed my order yet! MAKE THE CHECKOUT SEAMLESS AND FRICTION FREE, IT NEEDS TO BE!
D. Automation & Integration – This is a little redundant in the sense, that you will be using integrations on the checkout process, but also do not forget the right balance of various integrations as well as automations so as to streamline backend infrastructure will make the entire business that much more efficient. I have a few podcasts where I speak specifically to this point, but the key here is to keep a good balance of frontend and backend integrations so that you can automate through integrating as well as increase sales and conversions through the utilization of key integrations.
E. Custom is King – Over time the emphasis on customization has become the ultimate differentiator in the world of ecommerce. If you can introduce ways that people can build their own product like Nike.com has done, making their custom shoes the top seller in their online store, you are doing nothing but building a bigger and better differentiator between you and your competition. The best way to keep people coming back is to make them feel part of something and if they created their own product and put their name on it, you are setting yourself up for success. “Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language” Dale Canragie. If you can give them the ability to put it on something or feel that you care about it too, you’re ahead of the pack!
Where did the idea for Nadimo came from? Tell me more about it?
I consult and coach ecommerce entrepreneurs, founders and their teams each and every day helping them iron out kinks and grow their businesses correctly. I focus on the optimization of their online store by applying the 5 points discussed earlier, ultimately guiding them down the path where they will have the most likely chance for success. If that’s you, go to nadimo.com and book a FREE Success Session with me.
According to you which are five trends that could send your business to the top?
Whilst they are all important and each one to some level leans on the next, the ultimate goal is to reach the top, Customization. Think of it as maslow’s hierarchy of needs for ecommerce, you need the right platform and the right person beside you, behind you, in your pocket, on speed dial whatever. You need the slickest checkout process known to man. Automate and integrate towards the success of each of the needed functions and features on your site to set up success in all aspects of the business from frontend to backend, then, HIT HARD with something amazingly custom!
What eCommerce innovations are exciting you the most these days?
Post sale upselling. It may not be new or necessarily an overly exciting innovation, but it’s not something that can be applied with the same success in a physical world, but leads to excellent returns on overall average order volume.
Prepared by,
Stanislava Angelova
/Editor at DiTech Media/