Mr. Francis, can you tell our readers more about yourself?

Sure, I’ll give it my best shot. Like most others I’m sure, I got my undergrad in marketing, but hit a few roadblocks (brick walls) trying to break into the industry. In 2018, I ended up rupturing my patellar tendon, which had me basically bed ridden for 9 months. Weirdly enough, I started posting content on Instagram throughout the process to give myself some kind of purpose and found that I really liked it. The even weirder thing is that when the pandemic hit, I got that same itch and started going even harder with the content and investment of time/energy to learn. Since then I’ve branched out to freelancing as a digital marketer using Fiverr, while also finding my more traditional role as a digital marketing assistant with a great company.
How do you define the success of a brand today?
I mean the easy answer would be “by its annual revenue”, which I guess wouldn’t be wrong..right? I think right now, however, the less obvious answer (to me) would be the ability to connect with its audience in the most human way possible, while still providing a high level service/product to solve their problems. Connection is everything right now.
How to build a successful professional online brand?
I’ll let you know when I get there haha! I will say, I think the race has to start with the point above: connection is everything. Any good relationship is based in honesty and effort. The times that we’re living in require nothing less from brands.
How would you define the role that a professional personal brand can have on a person’s overall success?
To be blunt, it can change a person’s life. The very trajectory that a person is following could drastically alter by working to establish their professional personal brand. I am living proof of that right now.
What are the best ways to improve your search strategies and to attract high-intent customers?
Taking the time to get a better understanding of data. I’m learning that becoming a data connoisseur significantly improves your chances of making the right play. Deeper than traffic. Deeper than awareness. Doing detective work to understand “the why behind the why”. A slight warning, this task is no cake walk. To quote Steve Carell in Get Smart, “Bear in mind that the next 100 pages can get a little bit dry”. If you know that quote, gold star! If you don’t, no harm no foul. And if you haven’t seen the movie, SHAME. ON. YOU.
Do you think that cultural differences shape customer’s behavior and preferences? How?
Absolutely. Culture is collective action. It’s generational. It’s learned. It creates perspective in each of us that shapes what we value when we buy, I think. This is one of the main reasons I think companies working to cultivate deeper relationships with their audience/customers are seeing surges in activity (awareness and conversion). Failing to give these variables their just respect puts brands on a precarious road; one that leaves them vulnerable to mass consumer distrust and pushback. Simply put, brands have to care more about the people now. Especially now.