Fintech & Digital Banking Innovation ConferenceWorld Digital Weeks

Panos Skliamis

Speaker at International Fintech & Digital Banking Innovation Conference

CEO at SPIN Analytics, United Kingdom

Heading SPIN Analytics, an internationally awarded FinTech & RegTech for Tier 1 Banks and Neo Banks

Expertise: Digital Transformation in Regulatory Credit Risk Modeling for Banks

Solutions for: Explainable AI Automation in Credit Risk Management
Stress Testing
Development & Validation with Agility and Time to Market
PD/LGD/EAD/ Portfolio Models – BASEL III/IFRS9
Challenger Models – TRIM (ECB)

Europe / UK
Singapore / HK / Japan
South America
Middle East

Awards: (selection of over 35 Global Recognitions in FinTech)
2020 – Plug & Play Indonesia
2020 – Plug & Play Japan
2020 – Accenture RegTech
2019 – Fujitsu Innovation Program
2019 – Top100 – WebSummit
2019 – Top FinTech ING Bank
2019 – Top FinTech Plug&Play
2019 – Top30 – FinTech’s Best – MONEY20/20 ASIA – Singapore
2018 – Top10 – TechCrunch Battlefield
2018 – Top20 – Monetary Authority of Singapore Hackcelerator – Singapore
2018 – Top10 – FinTech’s Best – MONEY20/20 Europe
2018 – Top40 – FinTech – Money20/20 China
2018 – Top100 – FinTech – Money20/20 USA
2017 – Top10 – BBVA OPEN TALENT in AI (Biggest Global competition in FinTech)
2016 – Top10 – MIT Enterprise Forum Global Competition
2014 – Top40 – London – Most innovative Financial Technology Leaders

A strategic business development executive and management consultant with 18 years of experience creating outstanding and award winning outcomes in financial, managerial and operational roles across different geographies. Rich mix of corporate, marketing and technology knowledge with the ability to lead international teams and meet performance goals and financial objectives. Advance strategic skills and awarded results in expanding businesses and launching new IT products in Financial Technology, Mobile Apps, Wealth Management, Banking and Advertising.

An expert in researching and identifying opportunities, building business cases, presenting to stakeholders, communicating, negotiating and closing deals at C-level executives. High impact and visionary professional with capacity to execute fast, change, position and deliver target driven projects that lead to profitable growth by leveraging technological forces, quantitative analysis and international network of contacts.

Session: The new Pareto Law : 80% Psychology – 20% Technology or how to achieve B2B growth in the new norm

Learning outcomes:

  • International Growth and Expansion
  • Strategy
  • Business Development in B2B
  • Partnerships

Additional information and International Fintech & Digital Banking Innovation Conference programme – here

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