Blockchain expert at Food Chain, Italy
Starts learning BASIC ad 12 by himself on a C=64, ends up with a major degree in Informatics at Università Bicocca in Milan, where he works as a researcher for about one year. Works as a developer/consultant during his university years, then works for several TELCO providers on projects concerning networks, security, communication and many more.
Active in the cryptocurrency space for a few years, in 2017 started his YouTube channel “Blockchain Caffe” in order to explain this technology to most of us. Instructor, writer, advisor, consultant for startups, ICO and many other Blockchain related projects. In 2019 joins Food-chain to bring real accountability and transparency into the supply chain industry.
Session: Blockchain and Food Supply chain. It’s hard to do it right but that’s how you do it.
The real challenges in food supply chain and how to win them
Use of blockchain in the food supply chain poses a lot of challenges, but the harder to win are not the technical ones. Major adoption problems come from the customer itself and involve mentality change (or the lack thereof). Others are little experience on the technical side and tendency to take shortcuts. This leads to useless platforms based on so-called “private blockchains” that have no value, or applications that do not really enforce any kind of accountability. In order to be done right this job has to be done in a different way.
Learning outcomes:
- Avoid many common application design mistakes.
- Learn what to communicate to your client first.
- How to spot a week competitor?
- Fundamental elements to do this job right.
Additional information and International Crypto Finance & Blockchain Technologies Conference programme – here