Former Secretary of Smart Cities Committee at Asian Mayors Forum, Canada
Mahdi Bina, Former Secretary of Smart Cities Committee, Asian Mayors Forum (AMF) and Expert speaker in various international events such as WSIS ITU Congress, Berlin Smart Mobility Dialogue, MWC, IoT ITU, MENA Cyber security Congress, General Assembly of Asian Mayors Forum, SMARTehran and etc.
Tehran University
Professional Doctoral degree in Business Management
Tehran Polytechnic University
M.Sc. Business Management & Engineering
MA University of Technology
B.Sc. Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
Executive Experiences:
- ︎Secretary of Smart Cities Committee, Asian Mayors Forum, 2018-2020
- Innovation & Technological representative of D-8 Technology Transfer & Exchange network in Turkey, 2019-20
- Secretary-General of policy steering council of the International Smart City Expo 2018-19
- Senior Advisor of Tehran Municipality on Smart city Development and Digital Economy, From 2019
- Head of Innovation and International affairs, International Information Interactive Retrieval & Cyber Security Congress (IIIRCS), From 2017-2019
- Vice-Chairman of Innovation Networking Forum on Smart Cities, International Innovation and Technology Expo (INOTEX) in 2017-2019
- Member of Tehran City Businesses Management Steering Council (Tehran Municipality) on Tehran Smart kiosks, From 2019
- Secretary-General’s Panel of Experts on 2018 International congress on smart technologies
- Member of Steering Committee, 3rd National Cyber City Conference 2018 (NCCC)
- Secretary-General’s Panel of Experts on Secure Smart city services Platform at NCCC
- International Cooperation Senior Advisor, Supreme Scientific, Research & Technology Council, From 2017-2018
- Chairman of International Cooperation Council, Smart Tehran Program, Tehran Municipality from Jan 2018 till Now
Session: Asian Smart Cities
Asian Smart Cities
Many Asian cities are developing innovative new smart city initiatives and catching up with their more advanced counterparts as each day goes by. It is significant to remember that smart city development isn’t just limited to Asia’s central cities, therefore, but is happening across the continent. This is only likely to increase with time, as more cities suffer the effects of growing urbanization and climate change. Keep your eyes peel for emerging Asian smart cities and get ready to be inspired!
Learning outcomes:
- Smart participation (Smarticipation)
- New opportunities
- More pay Attention to Cybersecurity
- Making Synergy
Additional information and programme of International Conference on Smart Cities, Smart Infrastructures and Smart Buildings – here