Sales and Marketing Officer at Natcom Services, Rwanda
Currently Sales & Marketing Officer at Natcom Services, a Rwandan Company providing IT services into Trainings and Consultancy, Qavani Guy-Noel Koné is a young Ivorian who has a Marketing and an International Business and Trade expertise. Since 2016 after an internship in the Logistics department of G4S SECURITY SOLUTIONS, he started his own consultancy company CONSULTANT IVOIRE, in Marketing where he had to provide his expertise in Marketing and Digital Marketing to Ivorian Companies (Anoumabo.com, Nouvelle Brasserie de Côte d’Ivoire), and Rwandan Companies (Fiatope, AC Group, Pikiwash). Starting by the end of 2018, he is appointed Deputy Country Manager of YOUNG JOB NETWORK in Rwanda, a multinational social business organization aiming to fight unemployment through education, training and job opportunities, for a CDI (Indeterminate Duration Contract) still being performed. Also passionate about sciences, he participated in the Kaizen Competition in Kigali, Radisson Blu, where he presented a scientific project aiming to use a product from baking soda and electricity as fuel for cars to reduce air pollution. He also participated in Literacy Competition such as Kaïlcedra for a literary critic competition.
Eager to learn more and get more skills, he is also really engaged in the Humanitarian, the Women Empowerment movement and the Business of Conservation understanding his implication in the organization as a logistic team member of the Business of Conservation Conference, held in Kigali in September 2019 at the Kigali Convention Centre.
“Knowledge and engagement is the key” as a motive, he is always trying to get the more experiences and skills from any activity he will engage in and also really provide a good environment for team work.
Session: B2C and C2B, which one is the most efficient in a digitalized market place?
B2C and C2B, which one is the most efficient in a digitalized market place?
Nowadays, we provide tons of data and information about ourselves through any devices that he has at hand, from a phone to a computer, the world is being digitized and the market place too. Having a B2C approach in your Marketing strategy might not always be the appropriate solution in the current market place, and actually not during this world pandemic. Facing a paradigm shift, what should you do?
Learning outcomes:
- In this session, participants will understand the Digital Economy and its concept
- In this part of the session, participants will now challenge the Business To Customer paradigm after understanding the need of shift from this concept
- In this session, participants will learn how to apprehend and anticipate the challenges of the digital marketing
- In this part, participants will learn about the C2B concept, and know how to use and Implement a strategy C2B based in your digital Marketing
Additional information and International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Fulfillment Solutions programme – here