Strategy & Ecosystems at Digital Hub Initiative Germany – 5-HT Digital Hub Chemistry & Health, Germany
Marco R. Majer is currently working as a Senior Manager for Strategy and Ecosystem Development at the German Digital Hub initiative ‘de:hub’ of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy within the Digital Chemistry & Health cluster, 5-HT Digital Hub. He completed the Master program MSc Business Innovation and Management Consulting at Munich University of Applied Sciences and participated at the Chinese Language Enhancement Program and Chinese Culture & History module at Peking University. Majer was working for BASF’s Digital Innovation team, mainly focusing on startup collaboration activities and innovation consulting in the area of digitalization. Before, he was with PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Advisory – Management Consulting team, focusing on organisational development and digital transformation. He completed his bachelor’s in Business Administration and International Trade at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University and Nanyang Polytechnic – School of Business Management in Singapore. In addition, he is currently pursuing his doctoral studies in London.
Session: Open Digital Innovation / Startup Engagement
Roadmap for pharma companies to successfully engage with tech startups
Today, we are seeing more and more digital technologies evolving from the research stage towards market readiness. This also applies for the pharma industry, where high innovation pressure led to large R&D budgets. Startups, especially with digital solutions, can act as an important driver for innovation, but collaboration between pharma companies and startups are often difficult. In this session, we dive into successful engagement models.
Learning outcomes:
- Participants will see the necessity for external innovation drivers
- Participants will better understand the startup requirements
- Participants learn how to successfully engage with startups
Additional information and International Digital Healthtech, Healthcare & Pharmacy Conference programme – here