International eCommerce & Omnichannel Transformation ConferenceWorld Digital Weeks

Sergey Shvets

Speaker at International eCommerce & Omnichannel Transformation Conference

Founder & CEO at Gepard, Ukraine

IT entrepreneur with a deep technical background. Founder & CEO at Gepard, the product information management & delivery platform, helping to centralize diverse product data and deliver complying content to sales channels. Director Of Technology at Icecat, the global open catalog with more than 27K brands onboard. Sergey Shvets is an expert in the field of product data management and optimization, who has set up product content delivery across multiple platforms for a wide range of companies, including HP, MIGROS, Mediamarkt, Office Depot and more.

Session: Content that Matters. Retailer and Brand Dilemma.

Retailers and brands have different views on how the product content should be organized. Brands want to deliver standard product information across all channels, and retailers want to have unique and outstanding products. The presentation will outline the key strategies for building product content flows, provide guidance on crafting one, and inspire with the examples of successful case studies.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the difference between what brands and retailers expect from product information and meet new content trends.
  • Learn how to save resources on product data management.
  • Get clear guidance on setting product content flows efficiently.
  • Gain experience from real examples and case studies.

Additional information and International eCommerce & Omnichannel Transformation Conference programme – here

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