Digital Analyst at Magilla, Italy
I started working in the field of digital marketing in 2010: I have a solid semiotic background and have always been characterized by a methodical curiosity for technology.
The passion for digital and curiosity about the impact of it on people and their habits online, led me to operate in a specialized way in the field of social media marketing for somewhat heterogeneous working realities. I worked for fashion brands, spirits, sports, automotive, food and information business.
Since 2012 I have been sharing my working know-how on the most important Italian and European stages. I represented Italy in the 2014/2015 European project against hate speech.
My focus strategy are
– creative content
– performance marketing
Session: Content Marketing & Social Commerce
What does social commerce mean?
We dispel the commonplace about social commerce and see how to build a real digital marketing strategy, in which social media can be useful to make target users choose our product.
We will see together how to use the creative hub and dynamic content to create an effective social commerce strategy.
Learning outcomes:
- Learn how to use Facebook creative Hub
- Learn how to plan a storybrand campaign for eCommerce
- Learn how to test different output on Facebook and Instagram
- Learn how to plan a brand awareness strategy before special sales
Additional information and Video & Social Media Marketing International Conference programme – here