Hello, can you tell me a little more about you and what you do?
Hi all! My name is Ivan Popov and I have been involved into WordPress development since 2009.
How did the idea for Vipe Studio come about? Tell us a little more – what services it offers?
I have touched to WordPress for the first time as a high-school student. I’ve started doing WordPress development professionally in the University – this period was Vipe Studio’s blueprint. Founding Vipe Studio was the logical step of a freelance activity. The company’s concept is the inner specialization – a full-stack WordPress company.
Vipe Studio offers the whole service circle of WordPress related services – website development, eCommerce for business, custom plugins and functions, high-end managed WordPress hosting.
The exact client profile we can be useful to is a partner who needs a technical maintenance, client experience planning and a profiting concept development.
What are the key elements in creating a website and online store?
I have never followed the idea of the universal truth. The key of the successful website is the communication and the brainstorming. The time spent in researching the idea should be as much as developing the project.
The client and its company have to set the right expectation, the correct target and the filter the website ideas according to those.
What sites can be created with WordPress?
Every website can be created on WordPress in theory. The system is created as a blogging platform, but it’s functionalities can be developed limitlessly.
I have been developing a wide variety of WordPress websites through the years – online shops selling anything from cars to honey or company internal management system.
What sites should not be created in WordPress?
If I have to answer strictly – I don’t recommend exercising with WordPress when it comes to creating gambling, banking and payment websites.
Generally speaking we don’t have to create websites that are not well-planned and we can’t afford in terms of time, budget and people.
Why should customers choose to create a website with WordPress? Are there other alternatives and why is WordPress better?
WordPress can be used by both beginners and experienced developers. The system is being developed as an open-source platform by a society of volunteers. An enormous number of people are involved in the process.
We can’t really talk about alternatives – there are many other CMS systems for sure – but not a single other CMS is running 38% of the Internet (by October 2020). Only when another platform is near this % we can treat it as a real alternative.
Share with us good security practices when creating a website?
Web site security is a multi-layered object. Speaking for it, we have to understand that it is a combination of securing the file-system access, taking care of the database access, the communications between our website and the third-party tools it is using, collecting and keeping user data and etc.
It is as wrong to think a security plugin do all of the security tasks, as wrong it is to consider WordPress is easy for hackers.
The topic is super wide, I will be happy if we make another interview for this only.
But speaking generally – select a trustful hosting company, keep the website and all its parts updated to latest versions, use strong password. If you collect too many sensitive information, you can ask a security specializing company for an offer.
A few words to our readers?
I am happy for the opportunity to be presented in DiTech. The website team and its visitors forms a unique symbiosis of a digital community. I hope this community will keep growing.
Prepared by,
Stanislava Angelova
/Editor at DiTech Media/