There are many digital instruments, that can systemize the work of the recruiter, for example: a database for applicants or personalized instruments for recruiting the applicants using social media. There are also several applications, which facilitate the searching and attracting new people. However, they are all outside solutions.
Many mistakenly narrow the selection field, looking only outside the company. Inside the company, can be found enough candidates to fill the vacant spaces. We know that internal selection is a powerful instrument for managing the corporate culture, the people flue, and personal loyalty, but at the moment it is not widely used amongst HR specialists.
The digital instruments which are helping the HR manager to be in sync with the life of the organization are also extremely necessary for hiring employees. More and more often we observe the companies who are forgetting their own applications who measure the organizational climate and help the work with personnel.
The question remains: What kind of digital instruments can’t the HR manager work without?
There are many digital tools that help to eliminate manual labor, systematize data and leave more time for the HR manager to develop more employee value, benefits and services.
First of all, it is necessary to mention the Chat bot, which helps a lot in the recruitment process. It places the advertisement in social media and conducts all necessary e-mail communication with candidates in accordance with the criteria specified in the algorithm. As a result, it provides an HR manager with candidates preselected according to the preferred criteria. In addition, it can automatically conduct a variety of analytics, which really helps to identify the best way to promote a vacancy and analyze the experience needed. Chat bot also analyzes candidates’ reactions to the position and helps an HR manager understand whether to reconfigure the selection criteria.
Internal candidates can also be part of this recruitment process as this digital tool could take data from the Company systems and determine if the internal candidate has the necessary experience and meets the criteria.
Chat bot helps to create a positive Company image by conducting relevant communication with plethora of potential candidates. Potentially it can write 1000 messages per hour and could analyze around 50 000 resumes per month. Of course this technology is used mainly for mass recruitment. But it can be also helpful for a pre–selection process for various middle level positions. Specially since a recruiter can always conduct a sense check and validate the Bot’s results. The validity of the bot’s dropouts can be checked by any criteria. It is especially important to make a random check of the dropout resumes based on candidate experience. This criteria is sensitive and sometimes it is not possible to mention all the possible options in the technical requirements. Life is more complex than an algorithm. Improper selections can be easily solved with the help of regular Recruiter sense check to make sure Bot did not eliminate talented people. A recruiter could always add to the algorithm new experience options if there are any new ideas.
Chat Bot can be also used for internal communication, integration of newcomers in the organization, sending out notifications and reminders of any nature, including employee engagement surveys and exit questionnaires for exiting employees in order to analyze the reasons for their resignation.
Digital technologies help you quickly process internal surveys – thermometers of employee engagement and health of the organization. Analysis of surveys and reasons for resignation helps the organization become better as an employer. Digital tools form regular Analytics-dashboards about engagement indicators, for instance: quality of training, staff satisfaction, knowledge of strategic goals, and turnover indicators. Timely information helps to form preventive analytics about turnover and engagement indicators and can predict indicators for the future which can be used to identify potential problems. If this forecast shows negative trends, the organization can quickly start taking action and improve results.
The help of digital technologies in processing employee competencies assessment results is very valuable. Based on the responses to business cases, points are assigned. For a digital algorithm, it is important to carefully consider the answers and assign each digit. In this way, digital algorithms help shape the talent pool of the organization. Of course, this does not cancel the exclude the need for communication of employees with HR and their immediate supervisor, but makes it possible to focus on high-quality communication and employee development planning based on systematic analysis of competencies.
Digital technology helps in another important aspect of management – monitoring key performance indicators of the organization. This regular collection of data is important for organizational performance measurement and employee rewards.
Thus, throughout the entire employee journey, using the right technical instruments, one can systematically measure employee experience. This helps to make management decisions on time and develop the corporate processes of the organization. In this day and age, An HR manager cannot be successful and work without digital tools.
Oxana Nabok
Managing Partner of Train your brain agency