Coaching is my passion. Coaching is a lifestyle.
Coaching is an awakening conversation with a professional that can guide you to find your best answers, in a safe and non-judgmental space.
Coaching is about human connection, presence, and new possibilities.
The coaching conversations can revolutionize your mind, your understanding of life, your beliefs system, your relations. And many people that experienced coaching said these conversations are powerful and transformative and that changed their lives for better.
I love coaching because for me was like a new birth. Coaching gave me so much meaning about my potential, about my talent, and what I can create in this world to also support people to follow their most inspiring goals or dreams and turn them into reality.
Basically speaking, a coach can help you to discover your authentic self and unleash your potential to create a better life, both personally and professionally.
The coaching process is an in-depth one, working with the conscious mind but also with the subconscious mind. A coach will explore the mental, emotional and behavioral patterns that block your way to achieve success and to be yourself.
In the book “Coaching for Performance”, the author John Whitmore states that “true performance goes beyond what is expected, it means determining the highest standards that one can have. Therefore, coaching is a tool for optimizing people’s potential and performance. “
Coaching is an authentic conversation, through which you can experience profound changes or “insights”, you can discover new perspectives, you can get new solutions and answers to important questions for you.
Coaching is the right solution for you if you have started asking yourself “different” questions, such as “Who am I really”?, “What is the meaning of my life”?, “What can I do better”?, “How can I follow my vocation”?. If these questions have resonated with you, that means that you are ready to start the change. You are already to step into the path of personal evolution and self-discovery.
Coaching will help you to become the leader of your life and you will be able to optimize your career and personal life from all points of view.
In other words, coaching is a process of personal empowerment.
I can say that for me, coaching is a love story with myself and a passion that has also improved the quality of the people I am working with, both personally and personally.
I warmly invite you to experience the power and magic of a coaching session.
“Stop being who you were and start being who you are” Paulo Coelho
If you want to get in touch with me, please visit my LinkedIn professional page.