In 2019, electronic gadgets for health began to gain popularity. And not just smart watches, rings, bracelets, or trackers, but medical devices with therapeutic effects. They are quickly becoming relevant not only among those who call themselves “biohackers”, but also among ordinary people.
Hit list of gadgets that have already gone beyond the prototypes and really improve the quality of life:
Blood pressure correction device. A medical device registered in the EU and Russia. This gadget is worn on the left hand as a watch, affects the cluster of nerve endings of a series of complex electrical impulses and is guaranteed to reduce or increase blood pressure. The device uses the technology of transcutaneous electroneurostimulation, which scientists were busy in the middle of last century. If it helps fight the cause of death number 1 in the world according to WHO, is it revolutionary? If Roosevelt had such a device, he would definitely have lived ten years longer.
Gadget, that helps with normalization of sleep. It emits electromagnetic waves of the “dark side of the Earth” and helps with insomnia, makes falling asleep unnoticeable and waking smooth. This device generates electromagnetic field pulses at frequencies from 1 to 40 Hz and an intensity of less than 20 µT. This mode is close to natural electromagnetic waves of natural origin and helps healthy sleep. It sounds fantastic, but the technology of this cube is based on scientific developments.
Neurostimulator for chronic pain relief. The gadget is slightly larger than a credit card. It stimulates nerve fibers with electrical impulses and relieves pain. One session lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. It also uses transcutaneous electroneurostimulation technology. It is produced in the USA and approved by Food and Drug Administration the strictest organization for controlling the circulation of medical devices in the world.
Posture corrector. This device detecting the amplitude, direction and intensity of human’s movements in three-dimensional space. This data is the basis for embedded algorithms. The Processor with the patented Controller allows parallel data processing and analysis in real time. Wireless guarantees a fast and uncomplicated data transfer to the smartphone app. This gadget can be awarded the “Office Employee Choice Award”. This small clip understands that a person is sitting at a computer incorrectly and vibrates until a person sits correctly. German design.
Migraine bracelet. WHO includes migraine in the list of 19 diseases that most severely affect human social adaptation. And this is clinically proven and drug-free smart device – Nerivio. Innovative remote electrical neuromodulation wearable for the acute treatment of migraine. It’s worn on the shoulder and relieves acute migraine attacks, and also by TENS. Approved by the FDA, although designed and manufactured in Israel.
Sinus pain relief device. Patented microcurrent signals help reduce allergic pain in the sinuses of the nose by pressing just 1 button. No pills and no drops. Low-level electrical stimulation of the sinus nerve fibers has been shown to alleviate sinus pain and result in smaller blood vessel diameter and reduced edema (swelling). Studies show that 74 percent of patients experienced relief after one treatment. Approved in the US and EU. This is enough to become the owner of this device and forget about sinusitis forever.
Give yourself and your loved ones health. For the first time in human history, this has become incredibly easy!