The world is on edge due to the COVID-19 pandemic. People are either in isolation or practicing social distancing. Millions are off work or working from home, and quite a few of them have found a lot of extra time on their hands and not much to do with it. Analytic data tells us more people are playing more video games and, as gamers, we couldn’t agree more that this is a wonderful method to escape the stress brought on by the coronavirus. With that in mind, the Shacknews staff set out to choose a handful of games people should consider playing while social distancing.
1. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
We’re all essentially stuck in our homes until further notice. What better time to start up a fresh game of Animal Crossing: New Horizons (which, coincidentally, is out just as we’re in the thick of things) while spending a lot more time inside? You’ll have the ability to really dig in and form your brand-new island the way you see fit. With plenty of time to explore, gather materials, and spend time with your new island friends, being unable to go anywhere feels like the perfect parallel to starting a new life surrounded by all of your new animal friends. You won’t have to stop to do pesky things like “go to work” or “go to the gym” while running around doing errands in a bid to pay Tom Nook back, and there will finally be plenty of time for activities. Who needs real life when you can just become an animal for the foreseeable future?
2. Red Dead Redemption 2
Just about everyone who plays games has heard about Red Dead Redemption 2 and has an opinion about it. If you’re just not a fan, that’s fine, but given just how long the game is, there are many out there who skipped it because of lack of time. If you’re isolated, though, now might be the perfect opportunity to get into Rockstar’s open-world masterpiece.
The story is good, and definitely shines in the second half. The real sell, though, is open world exploration. Simply put, it’s one of the most detailed and alive open worlds ever created. Players can go fishing, hunting, and camp out under the stars. Every inch of the environment was built with care. Watch bears fish for salmon in a stream, an eagle swoop down and scoop up a rabbit for a meal, or two bucks battle it out for mating rights. Explore abandoned buildings and caves for loot and treasure. It’s a very calming and beautiful place to spend some time, and we think we could all benefit from hearing Arthur Morgan say, “You’re alright, boah.”
Continue Reading: https://www.shacknews.com/article/117043/11-video-games-to-play-while-social-distancing
Original Source: https://www.shacknews.com