Digital health is the union of digital technologies with health, healthcare, living, and society to improve the competence of healthcare delivery and make medicine more personalised and precise. The discipline engages the use of information and communication technologies to deal with health issues. These technologies comprise of both hardware and software services and solutions, which include aspects such as mobile phones and applications, wearable devices, web-based analysis, remote monitoring sensors, and telemedicine.
Generally, digital health has to do with the development of interconnected health systems to advance computational technologies, smart devices, communication media, and computational analysis techniques. The aim is to help healthcare professionals handle health risks and illnesses, and to promote health in general. Digital health is therefore a multi-disciplinary field that involves a series of stakeholders. It includes engineering, data management, public health, social sciences, health economics, as well as clinicians, researchers and scientists who have an extensive range of knowledge in healthcare.
Dr. Anil Vij, a well-known physician in New Delhi, India, is an admirer of computers and computing technology. During 2003, he started with the initial framework for computer software that would help doctors write sound prescriptions. His initiative was prompted by the absence of efficient software for hospitals and health care service providers in the Indian and international health industry. After many years of market research and interaction with doctors and experts in health care companies, CompuRX Infotech, a Delhi based medical software developing company, implemented a complete medical prescription writing software for hospitals in India. The strength of CompuRx Infotech as a medical software company lies in the belief of Dr. Anil Vij. The vision started crystallising when his belief was coupled with the technological assistance of well-experienced software engineers, pharmacists, a pool of other doctors and senior experts. Prescription Pad (under the leadership of Dr. Vij) is the brainchild of CompuRx Infotech.
By adopting the latest tools and technology and being totally dedicated to the health sector, the company’s mission is to popularise the use of computers in the health sector by producing affordable and world-class software solutions to develop high quality products that support positive lifestyle changes and health improvement, achieve the highest standards in patient care and management, and eliminate human errors in the drug delivery system. Going beyond the conventional hospital management software, which deal only in the administrative and billing aspect of hospital management, CompuRx developed a complete range of software for hospitals to holistically address patient care by adhering to the principles laid down by the National Accreditation Board. Some of these medical software products are Drugs A2Z, Easy Lab, and Pharma E-Lite.
To create a society in which people enjoy healthy and comfortable lives, the company has also launched a website, namely www.patients-care.com, which has patient care tips and information, and verifies drug and brand interactions with the Indian Pharmacopoeia. This makes it the only website to help the Indian population. Over a decade, the medical company and its software has become a favourite among medical practitioners and hospitals both in India and internationally.
Prescription Pad, one of the best in the world, has more than 20,000 pages of text information, treatment protocols for 1,200 diseases, and diagnostic information on each disease. In seconds, this intelligent clinical software enables doctors to increase their efficiency by picking out the latest, patented, and safe drugs. Doctors can now write safe prescriptions in less time and act as specialists without error. Prescription Pad automatically checks drug- duplications and interactions, drug safety for each disease and considers pregnancy, lactation, liver-, pulmonary-, and renal insufficiency for different age groups.
With Delhi being a Union Territory of India, it is governed by both Delhi government and Indian government. The Government of India as well as the Office of the Chief Medical Officer in Dehradun (Uttarakhand) make use of Dr Anil Vij’s technologically driven medical software. Doctors and professors in Kanpur, (Uttar Pradesh), Jaipur (Rajasthan), and Meghalaya (Shillong) have recommended the medical software to other doctors. Thousands of doctors in status hospitals are happy to use the software.