Can you tell me a bit about your background and your current role?
I have worked over 20 years in telecommunication industry in various executive level positions at world leading hightech companies and demonstrated on continuous basis, abilities to deliver and work effectively within large, complex and diverse multisite organizations. My aim is to drive initiatives and projects into a completion – Always. I’m known as innovator from Finland, IotT has always attracted me and possible ways to improve peoples lives with it. Since I was 10 years old, I was always curious and looking ways to automate IoT solutions. I have invented three game-changing IoT products to the world: Skiiot, Cmicro and Kipuwex. The industries of my businesses vary from skiing equipment, microwave technology to healthcare and medical devices. I’m grateful for being winner of three innovation competitions and the owner of six different patents. Why to innovate? My aim is to make a difference in the world by solving problems and helping people.
What lead me to innovate Kipuwex medical device, I have deep reasons for my WHY. My beloved, passed father had cancer and he was suffering fro enormous pain. That’s the real reason for my endless drive to help people worldwide to manage with the pain. Therefore I end up creating Kipuwex healthcare solutions to save millions lives globally. I want to impact, make difference and to help people.
I came across the local Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District’s innovation competition, in which solutions were sought to some of the most common problems faced by healthcare professionals in their daily work. One of the problems sought to be solved was measuring pain. I decided to throw my hat in the race, wrote a proposal, and to my surprise, won. At the time, I already had founded two companies and was hesitant about founding a third. So, to make sure it was a valid idea, I decided to take part in another competition, the Polar Bear Pitch held in Pori and won that too.
I realised this was a real medical problem, and there was a pressing need to solve it. This was also a problem with significant global potential.
It was of utmost importance that winning the hospital district’s innovation competition meant getting to work closely with healthcare professionals.
Today Kipuwex medical device is recognized as one of the top IoMT innovations in the world for the healthcare industry. I want to impact, make difference and to help people. This is what we are doing with Kipuwex and its ecosystem to reach different sectors and to improve healthcare and humanity.
What comes to mind when you think of Digital Health?
Digital health is a driving force in global healthcare market growth, with a projected 6.3% compound annual growth rate. Virtual care may drive global healthcare market to 2.6 trillion by 2025. Providers need to focus on building effriciencies and managing scalability. Innovative business models will emerge in the next few years.
Telehealth is the distribution of health-related series and information via electronic information and telecommunication technologies. It allows long-distance patient and clinician contact, care, advice, reminders, education, intervention, monitoring, and remote admissions.
I have always been interested of IoT technology and health, digital health is combining these and revolutionazing health care industry, so that it’s possible to Empower patients and clinicians with Digital Health, gain Analytics, and innovate Medical Devices. As well as enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery to make medicine more personalized and precise. The broad scope of digital health includes categories such as mobile health (mHealth) as our second product under Kipuwex, painCARER mobile application for pain self assessment. Digital Health also includes health information technology (IT), wearable devices as Kipuwex device, which can bring innovative telehealth and telemedicine solutions to the world
From mobile medical apps and software that support the clinical decisions doctors make every day to artificial intelligence and machine learning, digital technology has been driving a revolution in health care. Digital health tools have the vast potential to improve our ability to accurately diagnose and treat disease and to enhance the delivery of health care for the individual.Digital health technologies use computing platforms, connectivity, software, and sensors for health care and related uses. These technologies span a wide range of uses, from applications in general wellness to applications as a medical device. They include technologies intended for use as a medical product, in a medical product, as companion diagnostics, or as an adjunct to other medical products (devices, drugs, and biologics). They may also be used to develop or study medical products.
What healthy problems can be solved through technology?
Kipuwex is a medical device and innovated solution to tackle global health problems, recognised among top medical innovations in the world 2020.
We tackle global healthcare problems
- Rising cost of healthcare
Kipuwex is an affordable medical device even to developing countries, which wirelessly and continuously measures a plurality of clinically relevant biomarkers vital to the assessment of human well-being and physical condition.
- Chronic pain is a global problem, 20 % of adults suffer from pain globally.
Kipuwex measures different physiological parameters from the patient digitally, converting them with an algorithm into pain data and provides efficiently relieble measurements for healthcare workers. Insufficient pain management can cause pain-related problems like Life-Long Trauma, Disorder in Development and Chronic Pain.
“Only identified pain can be treated”
- 3,7 Billion people do not have access to essential health care services 5 Million people per year die to poor quality of health care.
Kipuwex provides high-quality and cost-effective IoMT and Telehealthservices and solutions to connect patients to vital healthcare services through remote monitoring and wireless communications. The device is attached to the patient via a purpose designed ECG pad and can then send the data generated by the sensors and algorithms via Bluetooth through either the purpose built mobile application or Bluetooth gateway to the hospital cloud where the data can safely be stored and sent to the doctors and nurses based on if they are providing immediate care or need to see the historical information.
Kipuwex mission is to combat healthcare inequality and help millions of people.
What is Kipuwex and what its technology?
Kipuwex is an easily attachable, light weight IoMT device which wirelessly and continuously measures a plurality of clinically relevant biomarkers vital to the assessment of human well-being and physical condition.The biomarkers can be monitored remotely anywhere and at any time by healthcare professionals and home users with a mobile or web application.Kipuwex measures different physiological parameters from the patient digitally, converting them with an algorithm into pain data and providing efficiently reliable measurements for healthcare professionals and home users.
Why remote monitoring is important?
Benefits of high-quality and cost effective telehealth services and solutions to connect patients to vital healthcare services through remote monitoring and wireless communications. By increasing access to physicians and specialists, remote monitoring solutions will help ensure patients receive the right care, at the right place, at the right time, producing high-quality outcomes and saving millions of lives.
Telehealth will revolutionize how we use healthcare services in the future.
- Improves patient engagement with remote monitoring
- Expands access to care and reaches more patients
- Improves clinical workflows and increases practice efficiency
- Increases practice revenue
- Reduces practice overhead
- Cuts patient costs
- Improves healthcare quality
- Reduces patient no-shows
- Improves patient satisfaction
In your opinion how the health innovations will change in next 10 years?
Most probably there will be implantable, also referred to as “embeddable,” technology refers to a class of objects that can be inserted directly into the human body to modify, enhance or heal in ways that non-embedded devices cannot.