Dear Ms. Chen-Wynn, please tell us more about your professional background?
I’ve spent more than 20+ years in software product management and created some great products along the way for B2B, B2C, BI, FinTech and EdTech. Education is where my passion is now, creating data-first and AI-first learning products that generates great learning outcomes, for US and global markets.
What are your future career goals for the next 5 years?
Create products that change how we learn, increase access, learning success and love of learning for 100 million students.
In your opinion, what is the most successful formula when creating your own business?
A founding team with the shared passion, vision and persistence to change something for the better.
How do you define “success”?
I define “success” as the freedom to choose: choose where to go next, choose what to do next, choose how to make your money, choose who to be with, choose to be happy, etc…. The key here of course is to realize that we all have that option to choose today, it’s not something out of reach, it’s a mindset.
In your opinion, what are the main challenges that female entrepreneurs face these days?
Besides the challenges that all entrepreneurs face, female entrepreneurs face discrimination in raising funding, attracting top investors/board members/mentors as well as making sacrifices around family life and raising children.
What advice would you give to your younger self at the start of your career?
- Find great mentors who you admire early on and talk to them frequently about their journey, learnings and what kind of career/life you will be fulfilled with.
- Follow your best manager and leader, they impact 80% of your work experience and impact.