For a long time, YouTube has been a platform for B2C and C2C segments. But B2B also sees great opportunities for promotion through this channel, with the only difference – the content for the YouTube audience should not be selling, but more fashionable. It is unlikely that an accidental viewer during watching a video about super-sophisticated equipment or an IT service will go and order these products right there, but he will definitely be able to form an opinion about your company, be inspired by voiced ideas, recharge your speakers’ energy and at least want to know about your company more. And who knows how ‘6 Handshakes’ rule would work this time. So, in my opinion, the ultimate YouTube marketing strategy is to make the viewer fall in love, win over, and interest from a practical point of view. In order to do this a good YouTube video must meet at least the following five criteria:
1. Unique content
It seems obvious, but many YouTubers still shoot the same thing that was shot many times before them. This may work for the first couple of times, but in general, it will be difficult for you to stand out from the millions of similar videos. Therefore, try to shoot original.
2. Relevance
If you shoot a video on the installation of the Windows XP theme, it is unlikely that you will gain a lot of views and earn fame as a professional: the topic has hopelessly passed. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor trends in your industry and shoot relevant videos in a timely manner.
3. Benefit
It’s irresponsible to steal minutes from the viewer to watch your video and don’t give anything in return. Therefore, try to invest in favor of each of your video, so the audience will have a pleasant aftertaste after contact with your product.
4. Truthfulness
It’s not good to lie, everyone knows that. Therefore, do not shoot fakes and do not make knowingly false promises. Tell about yourself and your business honestly, so that later you will not be ashamed of the deceived user expectations.
5. Recording and sound quality
No comments. This is obvious, but it is still necessary to remind it periodically.
It is the standard list for YouTube makers. Вut nowadays this may not be enough and in order to achieve high results on YouTube you need to do a bit more, to add extra points to this list like:
6. Audience Research
You can shoot videos that you like yourself. But are they suitable for your audience? Are they as interested as you do in watching your product? Use channel analytics to study your audience and find the optimal format, frequency of publications, and user engagement.
7. Partnerships
If your channel’s performance has slowed, consider affiliate videos. You can try mutual integration and joint videos with other channels, invite recognized experts to your videos – try this format and see how it works for your content and how they affect the popularity of your channel.
8. SEO
Make these three letters work for you. Think over a catchy (but truthful) title, write down a description for the video carefully, do not forget to give a link to your site, put adequate hashtags, add subtitles. Usе as much YouTube opportunities as you can.
We try to adhere to these rules in maintaining the YouTube channel of our IT outsourcing company called ICL Services. Our products (IT services) cannot be touched, therefore we try to talk about them as much as possible, giving examples from practice and involving in our ideas, revealing our soul and showing corporate culture. We do not chase views, we focus on the benefits of our videos, so that, for example, people watching our webinars could have the opportunity to learn from our experience.
I’m a senior marketing manager focused on video production in the IT-sphere. I am a corporate and family operator because I feel like I am in a storytelling movie and shooting short videos to capture moments and to show others how wonderful everything around is. I believe that video marketing now is the main eye-catching way of ad.