Freelance Archaeological/Historical Illustration at Killin & Tay Studios, Canada
Alexis Cameron Ironside is an archaeological and historical illustrator who specializes in artefact illustration and creating illustration workshops for academic and public participation. She has developed and ran illustration and ceramic classes/workshops for both postgraduate archaeology students but also for the public (including children’s programs). She has also run workshops for students on how to effectively engage with the public at historical and archaeological sites. Her research centres around how to utilize historical illustrations in research and human remains rights in archaeological and historical practise.
Session: Encouraging Engagement with Heritage Material through the Accessibility of Digitization
In this session we will be discussing how the digitalization of visual heritage material is vital to cultivating public engagement with Cultural Heritage. We will look at how the use of visual media is one of the greatest assets to captivating society and how its digitization affects its accessibility.
Additional information and programme of International Conference on Digital Decisions in Cultural and Scientific Heritage – here