Cultural Manager, Ecuador
Cultural Manager, specialized in the operation of multidisciplinary projects for the expansion of visual arts, museums, Cultural Heritage and historical tourism. In addition, he is an expert analyzing public cultural policies.
His main researches emphasize the role of public policies in the creation of cultural content. Also, he examines the emergence or the extinction of institutions in the sector. His main proposal is to strengthen cultural institutions with the co-construction, the commons, and the social and solidarity-based economy.
His first approach to cultural and heritage institutions was in 2009, when he joined the City Museums Foundation in Quito, Ecuador. There, he developed different programs for the education department. Also, he contributed to elaborate educational and mediation projects, where the link with communities was an important component for success.
Afterwards, he accomplished as assistant director in Casa del Alabado Pre-Columbian Art Museum. The main responsibilities, in addition to the financial ones, were the management of archaeological collection, the regularization of digital content and community manager.
His main contribution to strengthen ecuadorian cultural institutions was the direction of Archaeological Museums belonging to the Metropolitan Heritage Institute of Quito. He established a new management model according to contemporary needs, optimizing economic resources and consolidating human talent.
In addition, he has been related to cultural projects at Casa de las Artes La Ronda, Metropolitan Cultural Center of Quito, Cultural Center Palacio de Cibeles in Madrid and Amatller House Museum in Barcelona.
Session: New ways to understand the cultural institutionalism premised on Ethics of co-construction, commons, and solidarity-based economy.
Culture with Ethics of Co-construction, Commons, and Solidarity-based Economy.
With this session you would understand the current situation of cultural institutions under the regulation of policies in democratic states. It will be described the needs of both those the citizens and the cultural workers.
Finally, It will be analyzed the ways in which institutions adapt to the contemporary changes in the public and private sector. You will explore the basis of commons in culture, co-construction processes and solidarity-based economy like options to support the crisis of the cultural sector.
Learning outcomes:
- In this session, participants will Identify the three sectors of the economy where culture develops.
- Understand why the public sector and polices does not achieve the objective of strengthening cultural processes.
- Have knowledge about the consequence of neoliberal practices in culture and Private Sector working ways.
- Be conscious of values of the solidarity-based Economy in culture.
- Understand the principles of commons and the relationships between societies that practice them.
- Recognize that commons are able to perform functions more effectively than the State policies or market.
Assimilate that co-construction process sustains communities and let them to achieve their rights with shared responsibilities.
Additional information and programme of International Conference on Digital Decisions in Cultural and Scientific Heritage – here