Assistant Director at The Center For Digital Antiquity, USA
Jessica Irwin is an archaeologist who has spent the past decade working around the Americas. She is currently the Assistant Director for the Center for Digital Antiquity at Arizona State University. Jessica’s specialties include the archaeology of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the archaeology of plantations, and underwater archaeology. Jessica is an advocate for making archaeological and cultural material more accessible and usable. She has held positions at James Madisons Montpelier, The South Carolina Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology, as well as at commercial organizations. With experience in such a wide geographic area shifting focus from single-site archaeological research to larger-scale projects has become a passion of hers. She now works to build the tools needed to make archaeology accessible, shareable and usable for all people.
Session: Digital Preservation in Archaeology: A spotlight on needs and best practices brought to the for front by the COVID pandemic
Digital Preservation in Archaeology and the Cultural Heritage Sector
Archaeology and Cultural Heritage organizations face a challenge in long term preservation and access to materials. Using the FAIR principles and best practices materials and data can become more widely used, shared, and accessed. Allowing for not only researchers to reuse data but for the communities from which the data was extracted to have open and easy access too.
Additional information and programme of International Conference on Digital Decisions in Cultural and Scientific Heritage – here