Owner & Chief Dream Officer at Technology{}Pull, Netherlands
Harrij is Owner & Chief Dream Officer at Technology{}Pull. A company founded to bridge the GAP between #technology #innovation and #agri #food #industry #disruption.
Since he finished his studies in Horticulture in 1985, he has worked on ICT and Agro & Food. He is a specialist in the agri & food supply chain on (information)technology and business. He works/worked for large agribusiness companies like Rijk Zwaan, De Heus, Environmental Project Floriculture, Cooperation DOOR, Royal FruitMasters, Platform FRUITVOORUIT.NL, Topsector Horticulture & Starting Materials, etc.
As a thought leader in Information-standardisation and Information Management in Fresh Supply Chains, he founded Frug I Com and is now Director for the Foundation Fresh Upstream: the platform for fresh chain information. Here he works on a global scale on standards for food safety, crop management, product identification and chain information management.
When in 2016 Fruit Logistica Asia took the initiative to start with the SMART HORTICULTURE ASIA Conference he was asked to be independent chair of the sessions and make up the program based on the last new developments in #hortitech. After 4 Asia Editions this year the first Global Edition is planned at Fruit Logistica Berlin with sessions for Soft Fruit, Fruity Crops, Leafy Greens and Apples & Pears.
Since 2012 Harrij has worked for the Topsector Horticulture and Propagation materials. First as Innovation Brooker Smart Horticulture and now as Programmanager for the IMPACT2025 program on #disruption of #horticulture.
Actually, Harrij is very active in implementing #disruption in #horticulture. For the big Dutch growers associations in Fruity Crops (FVO) he is Program manager for the GLAS4.0 program. Connecting growers to technology. For Royal Fruitmasters he is Outside-In Innovationmanager in the Innovation Team FruitMasters NEXT where the Digital Orchard and the Datalab are his key responsibilities. He is also a member of the Steeringcommittee of the DATALAB AgriFood of the Growcampus. Since mid 2019 he works as PlatformManager of the Innovation Platform FRUITVOORUIT.NL (Dutch Fruit Growers Association and partners) where he was co-author of the FRUIT INNOVATION ROADMAP. In 2020 he became Chairman of the Taskforce Fruit Tech Campus; were hortitech meets fruit.
Harrij is a known speaker on The State of HortiTech for companies and conferences in- and outside the Netherlands.
Session: The state of Hortitech
State of Hortitech; from TECH for crops towards CROPS for tech
The digital revolution has landed already some years in horticulture. #horticulture4.0 is technological at our front door. But how is the industry adapting the technology? Are we ready? Or are total different changes needed to get the best out of technology for horticulture.
#TECHNOLOGY never travels alone .. | “TECH for crops” or ” #CROPS for tech” | Let’s build #AGTECH Tribes and light the #INNOVATION campfire.. | #CHANGE is an infinity game
Learning outcomes:
- Update on where technology for horticulture stands
- Challenges this technology brings to the grower; new thinking needed
- From technology innovation to social innovation in a traditional industry
- The prisoner’s dilemma of technology in horticulture
Additional information and programme of International Conference on Innovation in Agriculture, Food and Biological Systems in the Digital Age here