CEO of Serpact, Bulgaria
Since 2012 I have completed successfully more than 1 000 SEO projects across the world. I’m the founder and CEO of SEO Аgency Serpact. In 2018 Idea Studio became part of Serpact. I’m so proud to announce that we won at European Search Awards 2019 in the category “Best use of search – Gaming”. The main services of Serpact in 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 are On-Page SEO audits and their integration as well as Content Marketing strategies.
Over the years the company completed 700 On-Page SEO audits and integrated more than 400 audits for approximately 100 clients across the world. Serpact also offered more than 150 complete Content Marketing strategies with more than 50 realizations.
Session: The secret 20% in SEO that deliver 80% of the results
Additional information and programme of The Digital Marketing Agency Directors’ Forum – here