Can you please introduce yourself to the readers?
I’m Kegan Tan, a 34 year old sports retail entrepreneur as of 2021. I run a 100% vending and online sports retail business in Singapore that ships globally. The company sells sports apparel, equipment, supplements, home-care, and elder-care solutions.
How would you determine the impact of today’s economic and political climate on the global e-Commerce?
e-Commerce growth will continue to grow as more offline retailers migrate online. In urbanised areas where connectivity is easily fixed, e-commerce will gradually shift to be the main mode of buying in the near future, regardless of economic and political climate shifts.
Do you think that creating a safe environment where all voices are welcome, heard and respected is an important part for e-Commerce success?
I think communication funnels with clear objectives and destinations are important. As the discussion is online, there is a chance or distortion as those that ‘shout’ the loudest will be more obvious. You can also use robots and other tools to shift the data and appearance in your favour online. I think if there is a discussion, it should be in person with verified credentials pointed at achieving previously agreed on milestones.
How can a customer become loyal to a brand, considering the growing competition between the online-based retail organizations?
By bringing pointed value to the customers. Some customers are looking for the lowest price. Some reliability. Some quickest delivery. Some a particular brand. Depending on your customer and your product time, you have to figure out the marketing mix and keep adding the value you’ve communicated. It’s like any relationship. Though it takes time for trust to be built, as long as you’re always there and can be counted on.
How does competition in today’s crowded digital world help you grow?
Yes. Various perspectives and approaches can add value when selling across boarders.
In your opinion, how will the pandemic affect the future of international e-Commerce?
Businesses and consumers will have to shift their behaviours to be more accepting of online and online tools to buy and sell. This acceptance will stay even after the pandemic is not as much an issue. Depending on the nature of the next pandemic, it’s likely that low-touch options will continue to be popular.