3D digitalization specialist at Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Benjamin Kuti is a digitalization expert with background in historical research and museology living
in Budapest, Hungary. He is also a freelancer 3D artist. As the specialist of Museum of Fine Arts he
is the associate of Digital Media and Photo Department. Last year he participated in a series of
projects funded by state initiatives. The Digitalization Strategy of Public Collections is dedicated to
imaging cultural heritage objects from public collections all over Hungary. During the first year the
project’s goal was to add 11.000 records to a newly established database, taking professional
photographs of 6500, and 3D scanning 200 museum objects. Besides leading the 3D project he also
handled the high-resolution image database of the Museum of Fine Arts and the Hungarian
National Gallery, and managed copyright clearance for exhibition catalogs.
Session: 3D digitalization for cultural heritage – comprehensive overview and practical methods
As the 3D program lead of the Hungarian Digitalization Strategy of Public Collections, Benjamin
Kuti’s role included photogrammetry and structured-light scanning of over 200 museum artifacts in
2019. In his speech he will be sharing his insight about the project’s workflow, the difficulties of
working on field, collecting metadata and guiding the museums for utilizing the models for
promoting cultural heritage.
Learning outcomes:
- Learn about the technologies applied in cultural heritage and preservation
- Understand the difficulties professionals encounter in various areas of fieldwork
- Became informed about the ways these digitized museum objects can be utilized
Additional information and programme of International Conference on Digital Decisions in Cultural and Scientific Heritage – here