Cross Media Relations at Promovio, Germany
Gaining expertise in the fields of Digital Marketing, Video Creation, Photography, Influencer Marketing, Livestreaming, and Digital Strategy, I would consider myself a Problem Solver and Strategist in the playground of Social Media and Digital Marketing.
From my background, I grew up being the first generation using Social Media and leveraging new possibilities and platforms. Joining Facebook in 2009, LinkedIn, Twitter, Vine, Instagram, and TikTok in the very early stages of their rise I know-how platforms develop and behave over time.
Studying Economics and starting a Video and Social Media Agency at the age of 18. brought me a lot of experience and understanding of that industry.
The agencies’ focus shifted in 2020 to digital and hybrid Events. How can Events in 2020 be present everywhere? This question was answered with the solution of hybrid Events.
What we developed is a workflow that starts at the concept stage of the Event planning, developing Social Media Strategies before the Event, Livestreaming, and Media production during the Event and Aftermovie plus Pictures after the Event.
Session: The Rise of Hybrid Events and how to come in as an Agency
Additional information and programme of The Digital Marketing Agency Directors’ Forum – here