
Davide Nicolucci

Speaker at European e-Commerce & Digital Marketing Week 2021

CEO & Founder at Growth Hack Consulting HK LTD

Davide Nicolucci is among the most recognized consultants for Amazon marketplace and a well known name in the Ecommerce space. At the age of 26, in 2014, after having literally rounded the world, he took a hot seat at a fast growing Ecommerce company and top seller on Amazon “SunvalleyTek”, based in Shenzhen (China). After working with 2 of the top global Amazon Sellers from China he has launched in 2017 the very first Digital Marketing Agency in Hong Kong to exclusively help Amazon Sellers “Growth Hack Consulting HK LTD”, AKA We Are Growth Hack (WAGH). Growth Hack Consulting is today an official partner of Amazon Advertising Team, with in-house and remote team members across the world, clients from over 15 countries, and managing millions of USD in advertising budget. Davide Nicolucci is a frequent speaker at global conferences and online webinars about E-commerce and Amazon Marketing. He has been featured on Channel 4 UK, Fortune, Yahoo News, BuzzFeed, Global Sources, and had various cooperations with The WallStreet Journal and other big names in the space.

Track: Cross-Border e-Commerce Market, e-Commerce & Omnichannel, Digital Marketing Тrends 2021

Session: How Amazon is Shaping the Global Ecom Space

We will see the trends of Amazon Marketplace and how this tech giant is taking over and influencing the global ecommerce, consumers habits, sellers business and much more.

Additional information and programme of European e-Commerce & Digital Marketing Week 2021 – here

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