Director Digital Transformation & Director Smart City at EU Tech Chamber
Nedzad Piric is Digital Transformation Director and Smart Cities Director with EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH). Nedzad holds Master’s Degree in Business Administration in the field of the Digital Economy and currently in the final stage of completing Ph.D. degree in Digital Economy. Nedzad was also Senior Teaching Assistant at American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina with 26 courses in teaching portfolio.
Session: The Future Of The Smart Cities
According to United Nations Population Division, it has been reported that in 2018 about 55 percent of the global population lived in cities. It is projected that by 2050 the number will rise to 68 percent. Cities occupy only 3 percent of the earth but account for up to 80 percent of energy consumption—as well as 75 percent of global waste and carbon emissions. The future of cities lies in blending of new technologies with existing infrastructure to tackle three key differentiators of a Smart Cities such as quality of life, economic value creation and sustainability.
Additional information and programme of Smart City Digital Transformation & Innovation Forum – here