
Olinga Taeed

Speaker at Fintech & Digital Banking Innovation Conference

Director at Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance

Olinga Taeed PhD FIoD is Director of the world’s leading not-for-profit think tank on the movement of value, the Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance with 188,00 members. He is also Expert Advisor and Council Member of Chinese Ministry of Commerce ‘China E-Commerce Blockchain Committee’, and Chief Editor of Frontiers in Blockchain.

Session: Purple with Purpose: Fintech for the Disabled Community

Central bankers believe future currency by (UN SDG) 2030 will not be just money, but rather data, sentiment and ideology. 4th industrial revolution technologies (4IR) of DLT, AI, IoT and 5G can capture, transact and deliver such combinations. We are applying this to the largest community in the world, the registered disabled, which represents 20% of the world’s population. Launching as a UK pilot in 2022, we discuss what this means in practice for government, retail and empowering the disabled community.

Additional information and programme of Fintech & Digital Banking Innovation Conference – here

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