CEO at This Woman Can
Janice Sutherland is CEO of the award winning leadership and personal development consultancy This Woman Can. Janice’s professional career has spanned over 25 years of leadership with prestigious multinationals in the UK and Caribbean and she made history when she became the first female CEO in the Telecoms Sector in her ancestral home of Antigua and Barbuda. Her passion is developing future female leaders, working with organizations to effectively develop their talented resource to create strategies to advance their careers and develop the confidence, presence and influence they need to drive through leadership barriers and confidently navigate the Board room, coaching women across the globe. She is the author of international best-seller This Woman Can – The no bullsh*t guide for women who lead and host of the This Woman Can Podcast, sharing the leadership journeys of Caribbean and Diaspora women. Janice also a sought after keynote presenter for corporate and nonprofit environments and speaks on issues relating to leadership, women’s advancement, professional success and work/life alignment.
Session: From Invisible to Invincible – The art of self-promotion
If you want to get ahead in your career and land the promotion you’ve been dying for, it’s crucial that the right people know how well you perform as the days of meritocracy are long gone. Your work is not the place to be the unmemorable wallflower with average job performance. The second you set foot in the office, you need to demonstrate how dynamic a worker you are and how seriously you take your career. No one can advocate for you better than you, so how are you going to shine the light on what you can bring to the table? How can you promote your work and experiences without feeling sleazy?
Additional information and programme of Women Entrepreneurship & Digital Technologies. E-leadership Conference – here