
Jolien Demeyer

Speaker at The Digital Marketing Agency Directors’ Forum

Founder at Jelloow & Marketing Scaleurs

Jolien Demeyer has 12 years of experience in the marketing field. A voracious learner and consummate autodidact, she holds three Master’s degrees in business, management, and accounting, she owns and operates her own marketing consultancy, Marketing Scaleurs & marketplace,, and she wrote the book ‘Think Big Scale Fast’. Originally from Belgium, she currently resides in Chicago.

Session: My secret weapon in scaling up your marketing game

Changing from 4 traditional Ps in marketing (Price – Product – Promotion – Personel) to 4 scalable Ss = Scaleurs mindset – Scalable Strategy – Scalable processes – Successpanel

Additional information and programme of The Digital Marketing Agency Directors’ Forum – here

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