I studied a Bachelor of Science degree with subjects such as Nursing, Psychology, Sociology, Anatomy, Microbiology and Physics while undergoing training as a student nurse at an academic hospital. The first three subjects were my majors, but after two years my major was Psychology. With three years of nursing and university studies, I knew I had to do something with my interest in Psychology. I had the urge to start writing. Having done translations for a publisher and having written a biography, I disappeared from the writing scene for 30 years. With plenty of research over the years and my background in Nursing and Psychology, I re-emerged eight years ago as a self-taught medical nonfiction author and educator. I am most interested in philosophical history, archaeology and the contributions of ancient civilisations to modern society. Being in a world of constant change, and having to continuously adapt, I incorporate these interests into new theories, techniques and therapies.
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