
Tapendra Dev

Speaker at International Cybersecurity & Digital Services Protection Conference

Founder & CEO – Secure Blink

He is a multi-skilled Cyber Security and Networking expert with 7+ years of experience and OSCP certification. Badged as professional Cyber Security Expert and Sr. IT Consultant. Founder and CEO of Secure Blink. Spearheading Product Development company for the past 5 years. Acquired skills include VA&PT, Cyber Forensics, Machine Learning, Big Data, Docker, DevSecOps, IoT, AWS, and GCP. Experience as a Tech Consultant for startups and several Government departments & law enforcement agencies.

Session: The future of Application Security

Pandemic has undoubtedly triggered digital transformations nearly to a different level without leaving most organizations across the globe transitioning to an entirely cloud-based ecosystem with more emphasis on ‘work from home’ culture with a key focus on the web application to manage the remote workforce. As enterprises continue to experience unprecedented security challenges emerging every passing day, leaving application as the first point of contact for both users as well as attackers. So an organization will perhaps cease to exist if the business decision fails to concentrate on the fundamental logic. The application threat landscape will only get more rational and complex in and beyond 2021, so bringing Application Security into the boardroom will be capable of ensuring clarity and reaching momentum in getting the program up and running.

Throughout this session, we will understand the best approaches towards application security, the best security practices in the development stage, and discuss the upcoming changes in the application attack vector.

Additional information and programme of International Cybersecurity & Digital Services Protection Conference – here

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