Academician at Universitas Jambi
Hadiyanto is an associate professor at education at Universitas Jambi (UNJA), Indonesia. He has taught since 1998. He had been as a Vice Dean of Information System and Collaboration at the Faculty of Humanities from March 2016 to March 2020. He was also as the Chair of Doctor Forum of the University. He received his degree in education English from UNJA and M.Ed in TESL from the National University of Malaysia (UKM). His P.hd degree on Adult and Professional Development Education was awarded by UKM on September 2011. He was involved in national wide project research from 2007 to 2011 related to adult and professional development education, teaching and learning in Higher Education, and other social science research in Malaysia. Among big research, he had involved such as; Developing Core competencies at Graduates: A study of Effective Higher Education Practices in Malaysian Universities, Distance Learning, Quality of Life for Older Person in Malaysia, customer satisfaction of KLIA services, Expatriate Adjustment in Malaysia (UiTM), SMU (Senior High Schools) Graduate Quality Mapping and ICT Based Learning Development at Education Department of Jambi Province. He had published some articles relate to online learning, blended learning, adult education and professional development, educational management, and teaching and learning in Higher Education, invited as Keynote speakers at some International conference such GDIC, ICETS, JISE, and participated as a presenter in international conferences in many countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong, South Korea, Cyprus, Bangkok, and Beijing. As a reviewer for many reputed journals such as IEEE Access, Higher Education Studies Journal, Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice (JUTLP), ijolte, IRJE, and some associations in academic and education, such as EAI, WALS, Akadasia, etc. He has completed two research projects funded by the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI), and RISPRO LPDP under the ministry of Finance of Indonesia. The result of the research had been published in some reputed journals. He is currently working on three research projects related to online learning, 21st-century skills, and the higher education curriculum.
Session: How effective is online learning to replace classroom learning?
The session will discuss critical issues of ineffective use of online learning to replace classroom during corvid -9 pandemic, and provide some strategies to anticipate future challenges.
Additional information and programme of International Forum on Digital Innovation in Education, Cultural & Scientific Heritage – here