Co-Founder & CEO at Coronet Blockchain
My journey commenced in corporate with entities like Deloitte, prior to co-founding Coronet Blockchain: a supply chain digital infrastructure leveraging blockchain technology capabilities to evolve the salon sector from hand to mouth into a bankable economy. Future-proofing the salon sector, in a post-Covid reality, ensuring their sustainability, re-tooling, and bringing about employable key industry skills whilst fulfilling consumer expectations.
His Corporate track-record/highlights comprises spearheading specialist business development task teams that accelerated a closed medical aid scheme from a modest balance sheet position to ZAR 5 billion front foot position. It was at Deloitte that C-suite level decision makers relied on his dependable know-how to configure and execute highly matrixed business development assignments within the public and private sector: drawing from his command on strategy, economies of scale, relational wisdom and deal origination expertise.
On repeat occasions he led special envoys representing Europe’s Nordic region, East, West and Southern Africa terrain interests and executed diplomatic interventions across private/public sector interests at the intersection of business expansion, access to new markets, product adoption and transformation within emerging markets. Including a Specialist Advisory role to the Lesotho Government, at Deputy Prime Ministry level. His full-immersion approach to innovation, strategic roll-outs and impact-orient route to markets makes him an ideal in Coronet’s C-suite cabin – commandeering its milestones across an uncharted post Covid trajectory.
Session: Blockchain and the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA)
The recent launch of Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) is a great milestone for the African continent, moving the region’s inter-trade aspirations a leap forward and closer to realisation. Within this domain: Blockchain as an essential ingredient to unlock and soften the sharp edges across the continent’s:
– Land challenges (hampering food security)- Currency challenges (inflationary remittances included)
– Cumbersome supply chains and fragmented ports of entry/exits
Additional information and programme of International Conference on Crypto Finance & Blockchain Technologies – here